Services for adults include service coordination for housing, benefits, employment, transportation, providers, community integration, health and much more. Services are coordinated with the needs of individuals in mind. Individuals may be connected to those services by working with their SSA (Service and Support Administrator).

WYCBDD contracts with private providers to provide various supports for individuals with disabilities. Individuals have the right to choose from any willing provider. Everyone, regardless of disability, should have the opportunity to be in an integrated community-based setting.


Day services are offered by providers through a number of providers in the area. Services include adult day services, vocational habilitation, group employment, and community employment. The appropriate services and supports are determined by the individual and their team to determine what their desired outcome from services is and to assist in identifying an appropriate provider.


One part of self-determination is advocating for yourself, or self advocacy. To gain self advocacy, one must acknowledge their own preferences. Do you prefer to go to the movies or go for a walk?  In addition, know your rights as a citizen and as a person with a disability. Then people can speak up for themselves and what priorities or preferences are important to them. When people know their strengths, interests and skills, they make their own decisions, speak up for themselves and live the lives they want! 


Wyandot County DD has several transportation options for individuals with developmental disabilities. There are Non-Medical Transportation providers that can assist individuals with getting to and from adult day services, vocational habilitation services, group and community employment sites.